If you have insurance before, you know that insurance premiums vary for each person. Insurance premiums are amounts paid by the league for you insurance company to maintain this policy. As with any type of insurance Life insurance policies tend to treat a variety of factors to determine a person's risk. Key issues that are insurance companies life insurance premium calculation.
1. Age
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australia has some of the highest life expectancy for men and women worldwide, with 79 years of age for men (fourth in the world), and 84 for women (third in the world). Age is one of the most important factors in determining your insurance premium. The older the applicant, the higher the premium because there is a much higher risk in the elderly, the policy will be sought sooner rather than later.
2. Sex
Women tend to live longer than men and this is true for most countries worldwide. The gender of the applicant will tend to affect life insurance premiums with a bias in favor of women and more favorable prices, ceteris paribus. It is interesting to note that, unlike the insurance income protection and trauma insurance tends to be higher for women, statistically, women are more likely than men to benefit from these types of policies.
3. Lifestyle
Insurance companies are looking for lifestyle risk factors like smoking and drinking, which could harm your health, and thus attract a higher premium. Do you have any dangerous hobbies or are exposed to health or physical violence in the workplace are also factors that influence the award. If you work at a construction site or a niche specialist and hazardous occupations such as fishing, and fire, you're also able to attract a higher premium than someone who works regularly in the office than you would be very more likely to require their policy.
4. Medical Problems and General Health
Insurers will make you undergo a medical examination if you apply for life insurance. In addition to controlling health problems by taking blood samples and urine, weight and blood pressure, medical examination may also request x-rays and ultrasound scans of a medical report more complete. These revisions will be scanning for serious diseases such as HIV disease, high cholesterol and diabetes, and evidence of nicotine dependence in the blood or drugs.
If you have a family history of diabetes, heart disease, diabetes or other medical conditions, the insurer may be considered. Insurers need to assess your overall health and risk factors and evaluation of a premium based on the likelihood that you file a claim.
5. Cover Amount requested
Your insurance company will also cover how it is looking into account. More coverage desired, the higher the premium will tend to be.
Of course, you want to know more about the insurance?
Thursday, June 9, 2011
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